Electrode CV package Kit of electrodes (CV glassy carbon, CV platinum, reference electrode)
SKU: GBA0040002864
ElectraSyn gives a quick CV analysis. A typical use of ElectraSyn CV is that synthetic chemists use the device to quickly retrieve redox peak information and run a constant voltage reaction based on the data. For how well the CV function serves your application, please contact us.Package includes:· Working electrode - glassy carbon (1x)· Counter electrode - platinum plated on copper (1x)· Silver reference electrode (1x)· USB flash drive (1x)· Hexagon reference electrode screw driver (1x)Note that the electrode 'platinum plated on copper' is recommended as the counter electrode in CV test and as the cathode in electrolysis.Working electrode (0040002863), counter electrode (0040002852), and reference electrode (0040002865) are also sold separately. More information can be found under "Accessories".