Horizontal Laminar Flows



  • Class ISO 5 horizontal laminar flow cabinets (former class 100).
  • Ideal for jobs where it is necessary to ensure the products are protected from external contamination and cross-contamination.
  • H14 HEPA Filter Included.
  • Pre-filtering class G4 biofibre synthetic blanket Included.
  • Internal Sizes (Width/Depth/High): 1500x600x640mm.

    Class ISO 5 horizontal laminar flow cabinets (former class 100) are ideal for jobs where it is necessary to ensure the products are protected from external contamination and cross-contamination. Thanks to the specific way the side walls, located inside the inner perimeter of the filter, are assembled it is possible to prevent any contaminants that may be present from entering the work area through the filter frame thanks to the Venturi effect.

    The air collected from the environment is pre-filtered using polyurethane at high weight efficiency and, pushed by the fan engine to the retention plenum, it then passes through the absolute filter and is released into the work area. The air emerges from the H14 HEPA filter located in front of the operator, moving in a compact, laminar fashion creating a Class ISO 4, hence sterile, work space and making sure no contaminating particles are close to the product being handled.


    Sample Protection. Total Sterility.
    Our horizontal laminar flow cabinets guarantee a laminar stream of air with class ISO 4 air purity pursuant to Standard EN14644-1 thanks to our intelligent H14 HEPA filters, providing a minimum efficiency rate of 99.995% for 0.3 µm particles.

    These can be used in areas where it is difficult to extract contaminated air, such as the lower floors of buildings, and they can be placed in different locations, which it means that they can be easily relocated if needed.

    Economic Savings and Easy to Set-Up
    No expensive works are necessary to install the cabinet which means there are no additional costs and no need to interrupt a laboratory working at full capacity.

    Energy Savings
    Unlike other brands, our cabinets do not consume the air conditioning of the laboratory, which substantially reduces energy costs: the filtered air is not expelled to the outside, but recirculated back into the laboratory free of contaminating particles.